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During the installation process, girders may experience defects or commonly known as chipped during the stressing. Physical defects in the girder can be caused by many factors. For example, manufacturing, assembly, factory tools and equipment, and operations.
Other than that, this condition may also occur due to the lack of girder quality control that is not working properly, so that it can have a negative effect on the quality of the girder product itself.
Straight away, what are the steps for handling a defected or chipped girder? Let’s, take a look at the explanation within this article!
Girder Handling Phases
The defect girder or chipping during stressing is evaluated using the following steps:
1. Initial Product Inspection Phase
Girder handling steps started with the initial product inspection phase. Within this stage, it’s divided into several steps, namely UPV (Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity), inspection compressive strength inspection, and inspection of camber and lateral
2. Initial Design Calculation Phase
At this stage, calculations are carried out on the girder, where the analysis is done using the actual the cross-section of the girder that has experienced damage or defects.
For example, when a chip occurs on the girder, it may result in a reduction of the cross-sectional area of the girder. The decrease of the girder cross-sectional area will have an impact on the surface stress, so that recalculation must be carried out, to ensure the stress that occurs within the girder cross-sectional surface is still within the required limits.
3. Repair Phase
After the first and second phase have already fulfilled the requirements, the damaged or defected girder will undergo the repair stage. Repair is carried out with the approved material, steps, and work methods to ensure this phase can run correctly and the product quality results are as expected.
Before carrying out the repair process, it is necessary to test the grouting quality grouting the prepared materials. The purpose of this test is to carry out an acceptable condition for grouting material grouting to repair cracks or chip defects in the PCI girder due to stressing.
After preparing the required equipment and materials, the repair process can be carried out.
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