Types of Non Structural Ready-mix Concrete Grades

Tim Belajar Beton

Last Updated :

February 13, 2024
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Photo Source: Doc.WSBP

In addition to structural components, Ready-mix concrete also includes non-structural concrete. Concrete Non-structural concrete involves the casting of concrete in areas that do not directly bear structural loads. Non-structural concrete casting is typically done without the need for the reinforcement or formwork process. 

What are the types of non-structural Ready-mix concrete grades?

Types of Non-Structural Ready-mix Concrete Quality

The following are some of the concrete grades non-structural Ready-mix concrete:

1. Grade K-B0 Concrete

The quality of K-B0 concrete is also known as lean concrete. This is because its cement content is indeed lower compared to other concrete grades. This concrete quality is used for floor slabs and similar types of work.

2. Grade K 100 Concrete

This grade of concrete has a higher cement content compared to K-B0. Grade K 100 concrete can be used for creating pathways in gardens. It can also be utilized for floor work and backfilling with other concrete grades of higher quality.

3. Grade K 125 Concrete

One of the types of non-structural Ready-mix concrete grades is Grade K 125. This type of concrete is easy to apply and uses simple materials. 

Generally, Grade K 125 concrete is applied to create pathways in gardens or house terraces, as well as floor work as lean concrete in the lower layers of rigid road structures rigid and the lower layers of column foundations.

4. Grade K 175 Concrete

Concrete with a grade of K 175 is a type of non-structural concrete. However, this concrete is strong enough for use in the construction of single-story buildings according to standards. Non-structural buildings mean that the concrete casting is done without the need for the reinforcement or formwork process.

4. Grade K 200 Concrete

Grade K 200 concrete is used for non-structural building construction with low load capacities. This concrete grade is commonly used for creating badminton courts, basketball courts, volleyball courts, and so on.

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