Photo Source: Doc.WSBP
In the manufacturing process, spun piles are produced centrifugally, resulting in a higher density. One type of spun pile used in building construction Pretensioned Spun High Strength Concrete (PHC) What is it?
What is Pretensioned Spun High Strength Concrete (PHC)?
Pretensioned Spun High Strength Concrete (PHC) is a high-strength pile produced using centrifugal force with primary materials, ensuring the foundation stability of building structures.
As the name suggests, PHC piles are created through a pretension processwhere steel cables are tensioned before pouring the concrete. This process results in optimal compressive strength during loading, providing a robust foundation.
PHC-spun piles are designed to have a concrete strength of 800 kg/cm2, offering high resistance to impacts.
Application of PHC in Modern Construction Projects
- Spun pile PHC with higher concrete strength allows the piles to penetrate the hard layer.
- The quality of the products produced is better achieved because they are produced in a factory.
- It has high flexural strength and corrosion resistance in marine environments.
- Piles can be driven at a faster concrete age, as they are produced with high early concrete strength (early strength).
Application of PHC in Modern Construction Projects
Pretensioned Spun High Strength Concrete (PHC) is a preferred choice in various modern construction projects, such as:
1. Skyscraper Construction:
Dalam proyek pembangunan gedung pencakar langit, kebutuhan akan pondasi yang kuat sangat krusial. PHC memberikan solusi yang handal untuk mendukung beban vertikal dan lateral yang signifikan.
2. Urban Infrastructure
In urban infrastructure projects, PHC provides foundations capable of bearing dynamic loads such as vehicle traffic and vibration of urban environments, power plant projects, bridges, high-rise buildings, and marine structures.
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